In December of 2002, a young, American family packed a Samaritan’s Purse shoebox with gifts and delivered it to their small-town church. The next year, they were surprised to get a thank you letter on behalf the young boy in India who had received their gift. The letter was from a young pastor, Pastor Joseph, who had started working among the poorest of the poor in Southern India just a few years earlier. As the correspondence continued, a friendship developed between these small Northern California and Southern Indian communities. After many letters and visits both to and from India, Good Samaritans Home Ministries was started. Our passion is for education and evangelism that will break the cycle of social and spiritual poverty. Our child sponsorship program has brought over 50 children off of the streets. Before they were beggars and laborers – now they are cared for in a Christ-centered environment and provided with a first class education.
Over the years, as more sponsors have joined us, this ministry has expanded to include our many Compassion Ministries. We recently finished construction of our Children’s Home and School. As always, the Gospel Ministry is central to all we do!
You can read the latest chapter in our story on our blog.